Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The last week before Winter Break...

I tried to make this last week as fun as possible for my kids.  I know they were anxious with the holidays coming up and keeping them focused on work was a challenge.  We did it though and had a good time too!
Our class did have the Elf on the Shelf and this is just one of it's crazy stunts! The kids loved coming into the room and trying to find where it might be for that day.  Sometimes I think it must have really liked it's spot because it didn't always move...
 We read a lot of different Gingerbread Man books and I couldn't figure out how to make our own gingerbreadmen so we made gingerbread playdough.  It smelled so good!!

I gave the kids tons of cookie cuters to use and these are some of the shapes they made.  They loved playing with the playdough and it is great for their fine motor skills too!


 On the last day we watched a fun movie and celebrated the day with our pajamas and crockpot hot chocoloate!  I found the recipe on pinterest of course and it was delish!! 

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