Tuesday, January 29, 2013

MLK and other random things...

We used the egg trick to learn about diversity and MLK.  It was a great way to open the lesson.  Half the students thought the eggs would be different on the inside, but all were suprised to learn that they are the same!

Our class project for the Gala is this amazing craft cart!!  I am so excited and proud of the project even though I had no part of it- just some amazing room parents!!!

I love this bullentin board!  I had some parents help to put this together for me- it is so cute!!!

Fractions (whole and half)

The past couple of weeks we have learned about fractions, focusing on whole and half.  We made a fraction book and had to finish drawing half of a snowman!  There were a couple of other activities that we did, but sadly no pictures were taken.

Field Trip to Kuperman's for Dental Health

The class had an amazing time on our field trip to Kuperman's!  We were able to look at x-rays, feel the stuff they use to get a mold of your mouth, play with wires, play with the computer to pick different colors to put on braces, had a good lesson on brushing teeth correctly, and had a magic trick to end the day!  AMAZING!!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The last week before Winter Break...

I tried to make this last week as fun as possible for my kids.  I know they were anxious with the holidays coming up and keeping them focused on work was a challenge.  We did it though and had a good time too!
Our class did have the Elf on the Shelf and this is just one of it's crazy stunts! The kids loved coming into the room and trying to find where it might be for that day.  Sometimes I think it must have really liked it's spot because it didn't always move...
 We read a lot of different Gingerbread Man books and I couldn't figure out how to make our own gingerbreadmen so we made gingerbread playdough.  It smelled so good!!

I gave the kids tons of cookie cuters to use and these are some of the shapes they made.  They loved playing with the playdough and it is great for their fine motor skills too!


 On the last day we watched a fun movie and celebrated the day with our pajamas and crockpot hot chocoloate!  I found the recipe on pinterest of course and it was delish!! 

I have been painting!!!

One of my favorite things to do is paint.  I sadly don't get to do it that often, with young ones around the house, but this year I really got in to it and my husband encouraged me!! 
These are gifts I painted for the Specials staff at my school.  They were from my daughter and myself.  Our school teaches these character traits.  I love them so I decided it would be great to display them. 
I am redoing my daughters playroom and painted this sign to go by thier kitchen.

This piece is my first piece that someone asked me to paint.  I really liked how it turned out!

This is picture was created because I had a student leave and I wanted to give her a gift to remember us all by.  The kids picked their color of paint to best match their skin and I added the little details.  I sure am going to miss my friend, but I know she will do great where ever she goes!

This was painted for my mother-in-law.  I love that part of our family so much and have wanted to paint something like this for them for a while.  I like how it turned out, but there are some things I want to do different.  I have started on another project for her, but no telling when it will actually get done ;)

These are the gifts my students made for their parents.  I added all the little details to 22 of them!

This is one of my favoirte pieces I painted this year!  My 2nd cousin got married on Dec. 22, so I painted this for her.  I just love it and their wedding was beautiful as well!!