Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Second day of Fourth Grade

I couldn't be more excited about my class!  We have already accomplished many things!
Yesterday they worked in groups and wrote procedures for doing different things in class. My goal for them was to write everything so if a sub came in they would know exactly what to do.  This was of course after we discussed the procedures.  I then had one person from each group stand up and present their procedure to the rest of the class.  They all did great! I will try to post pictures of their outcomes tomorrow.
Today we applied for our classroom jobs.  They seemed to have fun with this and really took it seriously. I told them I would have to go through their applications so it would probably be Friday before they found out their job.  We will be changing jobs every nine weeks.
We also went over the 30 boom challenge today.  I put a chart in their binders for them to record their books.
I am truly thankful for the experiences we have already had and looking forward to all the adventures this year is going to bring!!!


  1. Sounds like you had a great day! Isn't it nice to always get that first day "under your belt"?
    Crafting Connections

  2. Yes! Every year brings excitment and anticipation, but this year in a new grade... well I wasn't sure what to expect! I am glad to have it "under my belt" for sure!
    Thanks for reading and commenting!!
