Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Our Neighborhood

This week we are learning all about neighborhoods and communities.  We built our own town and tried to remember everything in it! They did build our school, but I am not sure where the picture for that is.  I was so proud of their creativity, teamwork, and just being focused and getting the job done.  They were proud of their own efforts too!  It was a lot of hard work, but they did it!!
Fuzzy's and the Library- notice the flag on top!
Every town has a bank!
A view of the town.
City Market
View on the street and buildings.
Young Chefs Academy- so cute!
Airport with plans parked on top.
Sorry it is upside down- not sure how to change that.  This is Olive Garden.
Love the way they used paper to construct this building!
A dog park- so thoughtful!

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