We have been busy in class!! These are some of the reading strategies we have been working on in class. It is my goal to get them to think about their thinking to make them more aware of what they are thinking about when they read.
I love this picture of my class reading to their buddies! We have flashlight Friday every Friday so we can read with our flashlights. This past Friday, we didn't have our buddy time as previously scheduled, so we invited them to come during our flashlight Friday. They all had a great time!

The following two pictures of our class during our science lab activity. The students had to figure out what solution would get oil out of a feather. This was after showing them the damage oil spills have to the environment. They had a great time using the scientific method!!
I wanted to end with a picture of how generous our PTO and PIC Parents are! We were all given these cool bags with first aid gear. I can't tell you how loved we are at this school! I appreciate these parents so much!!