What a busy and fun week we have had!! We learned all about Dinosaurs and the students loved it!! We also had parent conferences this week. I am so proud of all the hard work my students have done this year and loved showing it all off to their parents.
We grew dinosaurs this week. They had fun checking on them everyday to see what they looked like and how big they were growing. We had an amazing discussion at the end of the week on why the dinosaurs were cold to the touch, how they grew, and what would happen to the water if we left them out to dry. We talked about evaporation and that it would evaporate faster on a hot day in the sun. AMAZING that this is all from Kindergarteners!!

They made their own dinosaurs out of paper. I was very impressed to see how creative they are and how well they turned out.

We were learning about graphing this week and it went perfectly with palentologist. They graphed how many fossils they found. They had to use paint brushes to get find the fossils - they had so much fun!
As a review of our measuring unit, we measured our foot compared to T-Rex's foot. We graphed the information as well. I wasn't able to display everything, but will work on it and take a picture next week.
They had to sort bones by if they had real words or nonsense words.
They used a hand lense to find words on dinosaur bones and then sorted the words out and recorded it to the correct word family.
They created a dinosaur story by using stamps and stencils. Some of them just had fun creating the picture, but some of them came up with some great stories!