Sunday, December 09, 2012


This past week we learned about clouds and the different forms they take, then we experimented and did our best to make the same formations (with shaving cream)! 

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Apples and Ways to Make a Number

 This week we really focused on all the ways to make numbers up to 9.  I gave the students two sided counters (enough for each number we were working on) and they would lightly toss the counters and and draw  the outcome.  This showed them all the possibilities in making numbers!  They had so much fun and thought it was so neat!
We talked a lot about apples this week and read the book- Apple Farmer Annie.  I told the class that we would make applesauce.  I forgot to peel the apples, so it turned out more like baked apples than apple sauce.  Oops!

This was the final product.  The kids loved it!  They walked around saying how they were going to ask to make applesauce at home!  I quickly reminded them that our applesauce didn't turn out right and to ask for baked apples instead.  So thankful they enjoyed it though!!

We created our own apples to learn all the different parts of the apple.  I thought they turned out so cute!!