Monday, November 19, 2012

50th Day of School

We did celebrate 50's Day, 50th day of school, with great fun and actvities.  I forgot my phone that day and so sadly do not have any pictures to post :(  I am working on getting some up though- they are too cute to miss out on!!!

Here are some of the great activites we did for the 50th day of school:

Dressed up in 1950's attire
Science fun with RootBeer Floats
Learning some dancing with the Hand-Jive (great for crossing the midline!)
Mock Drive in Movie with car and popcorn
Played with toys from Then (Lincoln Logs) and Now (ipod touches)

They had a great day!!


Thanksgiving Fun

Just a little turkey fun to start the week! Turkey sight words & salt stories- they even colored their own salt!

Log Cabin Village and other classroom fun!

We went to Log Cabin Village for a field trip last week. 

This is an old school house- this room was for every grade level!

These were rules for the Teacher and rules for the student!

We dipped our own candles!

Learned how to make clothing from wool and cotton!


In the classroom we learned how to use cubes to make the same shape as the food pictured.  We then had to write how many cubes and what color cubes were used.

We also made and tasted some butter- here is the chant we used and the final product of the butter!  Everyone loved it!!

These are some of the salt stories they made!  They turned out so cute and they loved making their own color of salt!!


Friday, November 02, 2012

Pumpkins of Fun!!

We survived our first field trip this week!  We had the most amazing time and lots of different activities.  We went on an awesome hayride, played on a huge playground with a maze, dressed a scarecrow, watched a flick on all different kinds of pumpkins and how much work it takes to grow them, and lastly we roasted marshmallows!!  The kids were able to choose a small pumpkin (or two) before we left and the teachers got a pumpkin too!
This was so much fun- roasted marshmallows!!

The children picking their pumpkins :)

I am so thankful my husband went on the field trip with us, he snagged this awesome pumpkin for our classroom!

This is what the pumpkin looked like before we dug it out.
This is the pumpkin after they dug it out.  They did a great job!!

To be a part of the voting season, we had our own election in the classroom. We voted for our Class Olympian for the 1st 9 weeks. We talked about the character rings and that we needed to think of someone who demonstrated those character rings daily.  We then made posters of who we wanted to vote for and why we thought they would be a good candidate.
Voting day came!  Each student had to show their Voter registration card before they could vote. They turned out so cute!

After they voted they got to color and wear their own sticker to show they voted!
They had so much fun!!

On a totally unrelated topic- I thought I would show the growth of our beans in the garden. So Cool!!