Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good/Poor choices

Today was another great day!  I was so impressed with how well we lined up and walked quietly in the hall.  We will keep practicing to make sure we know 100% how to walk in the hall correctly.

Today I read Naughty Little Monkey's.  The kids loved this book and I do too!  It has to be one of my favorite books (and you can tell my how worn out it is!).  This is an ABC book so the kids were able to tell me what letter would come next- they did great!

We worked on how to use glue today.  We made our names with torn paper (which is also great for our fine motor skills).  They turned out fabulous and I can't wait to hang them up and show them off!!

Another book I read today was David Goes to School.  Most of the kids already knew David, but had not seen this book.  I really talked about how his choices made his friends in the story feel.  The illustrator did a great job with that!  We also talked about how even though David made some poor choices, he was still a good kid.  I explained that we all make mistakes, but as long as we learn from them and hopefully don't make them again, it's o.k. I really wanted the kids to see that David has a good heart and they do too!

The class went to art today and then specials.  They always love art!!

We are still working on how to pack up correctly, and so far it is going well. 

This picture is showing our chart for good and poor choices.  We discussed each card and talked about why it was good or poor.  I really liked the visuals on these cards and the class (I think) really understands what is expected of them.

It will be another great day tomorrow, I am sure!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

What a day!  Though our day had its fair share of confusion (there are so many rules and routines to listen to, try to remember, and then apply; many new friends and faces with whom we want to socialize, even when it’s the teacher’s turn to talk) the kids did really well!!
We read Pete the Cat and took a tour of the school looking for him!  He left before we could find him, but left us an adorable reminder of him and a fun coloring sheet!! 
We read Wimberly Worried and talked about some worries that we may have had with school, but realized that everyone had the same worries so it is all good!!
We also read Do unto Otters, a book about manners.  I love this book because it is a funny way talk to students about thier behavior to others.
We learned our classroom rules:

* Use kind hands and words
* Use your indoor voice
* Make smart choices
* Respect the school adn those around you
* Raise your hand to talk (this one is really hard because they are so excited and have so much knowledge to share!)
* Follow directions quickly
We did have Turtle Time today and I was so pleased to see how many of my friends love books just like me!!!  They did great today!
We did a lot of wonderful things today and I can't wait for tomorrow!!! These kids rock!!

Sunday, August 05, 2012


I have had and made so many great memories this summer that it is hard for me to be thinking about school starting soon.
I am then reminded about all the darling little friends I am going to meet! I am already wondering what they are going to look like and how much fun we are going to have!!