Sunday, December 09, 2012
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Apples and Ways to Make a Number
Monday, November 19, 2012
50th Day of School
Here are some of the great activites we did for the 50th day of school:
Dressed up in 1950's attire
Science fun with RootBeer Floats
Learning some dancing with the Hand-Jive (great for crossing the midline!)
Mock Drive in Movie with car and popcorn
Played with toys from Then (Lincoln Logs) and Now (ipod touches)
They had a great day!!
Thanksgiving Fun
Log Cabin Village and other classroom fun!
This is an old school house- this room was for every grade level!
These were rules for the Teacher and rules for the student!
We dipped our own candles!
Learned how to make clothing from wool and cotton!
In the classroom we learned how to use cubes to make the same shape as the food pictured. We then had to write how many cubes and what color cubes were used.
We also made and tasted some butter- here is the chant we used and the final product of the butter! Everyone loved it!!
These are some of the salt stories they made! They turned out so cute and they loved making their own color of salt!!
Friday, November 02, 2012
Pumpkins of Fun!!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Awesome Owls & Firefighter
We had a guest speaker come today & shared with us all the gear firefighters wear. This is to help familiarize children with firefighters so they aren't afraid of them.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Number sense & heat energy
Looking on my phone I found these pictures I forgot to post. The anchor chart shows number bonds & all the different ways to make a number.
We have been learning about different kinds of energy. Sound energy, light energy, heat energy, and motion. The Apple pies were used to show heat energy & how heat makes things change. What I hope they all learned is that energy has to be produced.
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Week 6
We finally made it back out to our garden to plant some beans! I don't have a green thumb, so we will see if they grow!
This was a great, but sad week- we had to say good-bye to Ms. B. She left us to go to a 2nd grade classroom. To send her off we made her a keepsake of us and some great gifts to start her own classroom! She will be missed, but we wish her well on her journey in the teaching world :)
Friday, September 28, 2012
Week 5
This week, in math, we learned about making patterns. We used dobbers, pattern puzzles, and movement cards to create our own patterns.
I also checked out iPods from the library for the first time. The class loved them! I believe I have signed up to have them one week every month :)
For Grandparent's Day we worked with our grandparents and made a frame and drew a picture to put inside it. They turned out so cute!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Week 4
What a great week we had!
In math we learned about positional words.
In reading & writing we read & wrote about what families can do. Our new sight word this week was: the. We learned how to spell it through a song & sign it!
In science we learned about our 5 senses with a great popcorn experiment & some of us got to go visit our garden too!
To top it all off we had Run for the Rings on Friday! What a fun experience that was!