Sunday, September 28, 2014

Run for the Rings

Run for the Rings is one of my favorite traditions we do at our school.  I love hearing from the students what true character means.  This ceremony gives me hope for all the potential that awaits us this school year.  It is a day of joining together for the love of learning!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Known for... and a treat!

Yesterday while reading wonder, we came to the chapter titled "Known for" in which August talks about what he is known for.  I used that as an opportunity for students to write about what they are known for.  I loved reading their thoughts on themselves- I highly suggest this activity even if you are not reading the book.

A student of mine made me some beautiful gluten free cookies!!! I loved them and perhaps, maybe I ate them all too!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

They Clapped...Twice

I am already having so much fun with my new class this year.  They are full of compassion and respect for one another.  Friday, this past week, as I was reading a book aloud to the them they clapped...out loud...all cheer for a character in the book WONDER.  They did this, not once, but twice!  I wanted to cry right then and there! If you haven't read this book- you are really missing out and need to read it.  If you have read this book, then they clapped in the middle of the book while reading Jack's point of view.  I am so proud of my class that they get it! They not only  get it, but they cheer for others for standing up to the right thing.  I am in awe and love of this class!!!

Monday, September 01, 2014

Week 1

We started the first day off by coloring seperate sheets of paper that had drawing all ready on it.  I let the students decide where they wanted to sit and then they could start coloring their picture.  I told them they had to color the whole thing, there should not be any white space left.  They all did this without question.  Once we were done I explained that we all entered this room on our own, but we would leave this room part of a bigger picture.  They then had to figure out where their picture went in the bigger picture.  It took some time and communication, but they did it!

Our Class Mural

We then played the dice rules game.  I gave each table some dice and told them to start playing.  Some were confused and some started just making up their own game.  I then walked around and watched them play.  I would remind them they are to add/sub/multi and this caused serious confusion.  I then brought them back to whole group and asked them if they understood what I was asking them to do- they all said no.  We talked about what that felt like, to be confuse and frustrated.  I asked that they remember that feeling and understand why it is important that we have procedures and rules, so we know exactly what to do.  I then had them work in groups and come up with our classroom prodecures for walking in class in the morning, brain breaks outside, cafeteria and recess, and ending our day.

Brain Break Outside Procedures
End of the Day Procedures

Cafeteria Procedures

Morning Procedures

Hallway Procedures

Recess Procedures
 This week we also decorated our locker with a cool name design, acted out a day at school with drama cards, learned about our new chromebooks, a fun fourth day in fourth grade activity, and did some learning style tests.  It was a great week back to school and I am excited for this year!!