Monday, October 29, 2012

Awesome Owls & Firefighter

Two completely unrelated pictures! Last week we received these owls (they made them in art). Aren't they precious!!
We had a guest speaker come today & shared with us all the gear firefighters wear. This is to help familiarize children with firefighters so they aren't afraid of them. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Number sense & heat energy

Looking on my phone I found these pictures I forgot to post. The anchor chart shows number bonds & all the different ways to make a number.

We have been learning about different kinds of energy. Sound energy, light energy, heat energy, and motion. The Apple pies were used to show heat energy & how heat makes things change. What I hope they all learned is that energy has to be produced.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Week 6

To end our pattern unit and to go along with the sounds of /s/, we made some silly sock patterns!!  They turned out so cute!!

We finally made it back out to our garden to plant some beans! I don't have a green thumb, so we will see if they grow!

This was a great, but sad week- we had to say good-bye to Ms. B. She left us to go to a 2nd grade classroom.  To send her off we made her a keepsake of us and some great gifts to start her own classroom!  She will be missed, but we wish her well on her journey in the teaching world :)