Friday, May 18, 2012


We have been working on publishing our very own hard back book in class this week.  We are working on Idioms and they are GREAT!!  I am just sharing a few, but there are so many that I love I couldn't pick them all!!

Do not put all of your eggs in your mouth.  (I love the illustration!!)

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't lead a kitten to the kitty box.

Super Scientist Experiment- The Skittle Project

If the shoe fits, it will stick. (Again love the illustration!)
It is not over until you give up. (I think that about says it all!!)

I absolutely love the Idiom Book project we do!  The kids are so creative and really put a lot of effort into their books.  This is my favorite activity in first grade!!

Saturday, May 05, 2012

We have chicks!

It has been a big responsibility to watch over these chicks, but they are finally here! Just like a baby though, three hardest part has just begun! Thankfully we have a great teacher who has taken this responsibility on...& no it is not me!